What is a BID?

Halesowen High Street

What is a BIDHalesowen Town Centre was once a thriving business community but in recent years has faced a number of new challenges. This includes competition from larger shopping malls and online shopping. Halesowen is still regarded as one of the hidden gems of the Dudley Borough and has a wealth of history and character. An opportunity has arisen to revitalise the Town Centre in the form of a Business Improvement District (BID).

As a community we can unlock the potential that Halesowen has to offer.

What is a BID?
A BID is an initiative run solely by local businesses. They join together and vote to make a collective contribution which can be used to deliver improvements to their area. It would allow us to:

  • Work together as local business owners and decide how we want to improve the area.
  • Share ideas as a community on how to increase footfall and raise the number of visitors to the town.
  • Ensure the BID levy money is wisely spent – unlike business rates which are paid to the Local Authority and part paid on to Central Government.